The Path to Getting Accepted into Japanese Colleges

【Challenge】The Path to Getting Accepted into Japanese Colleges

College – Application Eligibility

Please check the application eligibility of the college of your choice.

Most colleges in Japan require that one must have completed (or is expected to complete) 12 or more years of education in another country in order to apply.

Requirements necessary to pass the screening process of colleges:

Receive a high score on the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)

Pass N2 or higher on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

Common College Exchange Exam Content



The Essence of Essays and Interviews


● Learn how to write a Japanese essay.Ex.) State your conclusion (your opinion) at the beginning
● Explain and answer logically using theories and cases
● Be well-versed in your field and answer in correct Japanese using technical terms


● Learn Japanese interview manners
● Understand the meaning of the questions and be honest if you do not understand
● Organize your experiences and thoughts beforehand

Finally, please think again.

Choosing a college

Are you okay choosing your college just for its name?

⇒Is what you will be studying at college or what you will learn be important for finding employment?

How was it? Where you able to make a new discovery?
If you did not understand something, please make a list of your questions and consult your advisor.
Have no regrets when you make your choice.